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Amherst Info

Amherst Local History

Automotive Resources

Alldata In library use only
The world’s most comprehensive resource for automotive diagnostic information.

Chilton Library Amherst Public Library card number needed
Information on automotive repair and recalls as well as wiring diagrams from the reputable Chilton publishers.

Kelley Blue Book
Check car price values when buying and selling new or used vehicles. Recognized by consumers and the automotive industry since 1926.

Latest new car prices, deals, used car values, dealer quotes & CPO values. NADA Guides is the leader in vehicle pricing and vehicle information.

Books and Literature

Everything you want to know about books & authors.

Book reviews from the American Library Association, with personal profile, alerts for your own personal favorites.

Literary Reference Source  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Full text of literary journals and respected literary reference works. Contains plot summaries, literary criticism, author biographies and interviews, and the full text of thousands of poems and short stories.

Ohio Digital Library  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Downloadable eBooks, audioBooks, magazines, and videos powered by Overdrive .

World Book Online  Amherst Public Library card number needed
World Book Online offers eBooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, homework help, study aids, and timelines.

Business Resources

AtoZdatabases Amherst Public Library card number needed
Search Businesses, People, Mailing Lists and Sales Leads, Jobs, and

Business Source Premier  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Full-text business articles, research, and news.

Regional Business News | (EBSCOhost)
Full-text for articles from over 75 business journals, newspapers, and newswires, covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.

Small Business Source| (EBSCOhost) 
Offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. Includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans.

Weiss Financial Ratings  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Gives you powerful new tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.

Genealogy Resources

African American Heritage  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Search records, books, serials, and other historical records specific to African Americans to trace your genealogy or to do research.

Ancestry Library In library use only
Genealogy research tools including census information, U.S. Immigration collection, birth, death, and marriage records (SSDI), U.K. Census collection, New York passenger lists, Civil War service records, and more than 6,000 other resources.

Family Search
FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. Millions of people use FamilySearch records, resources, and services each year to learn more about their family history.

Find a Grave
Find details about cemeteries worldwide and individual memorials for many people buried in those cemeteries. .

Fold3  Amherst Public Library card number needed
A premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America’s military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents.

HeritageQuest Amherst Public Library card number needed
For genealogy research, U.S. Census images, family and local histories, Revolutionary War records, Freedman’s Bank records, and PERSI for genealogical periodical research.

Ohio Death Certificate Index (1913-1944)
Database containing death certificates of persons that died in Ohio from 1913-1937.

Ohio Obituary Index
An index to over 1,600,000 obituaries, death and marriage notices, from Ohio including 1810s to the present day.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Large scale street plans produced by the Sanborn Fire Insurance company from 1867 to 1970.

Health Resources

Consumer Health Complete  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Full text journals, magazines, and reference books from EBSCOhost dealing with health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition – coverage includes a focus on the complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health and wellness.

The National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families and friends with information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues.

Jobs and Education Resources

Career One Stop
Your source for career exploration, training & jobs. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

INFOhio transforms student learning by providing equitable access to quality resources and cost-effective instructional and technical support for each student, educator, and parent in Ohio.

Ohio Means Jobs Assessment and Training
Ohio’s job placement site- Job seekers will find thousands of job openings listed by county, along with great career information. Interactive online learning platform of practice tests and tutorial courses designed to help students and adult learners succeed on the academic and licensing tests.

Amherst Exempted Village Schools

Firelands Schools

Lorain County JVS

Lorain County Community College

Lorain County Job and Family Services

Ohio Department of Education

Ohio Department of Higher Education

Legal Resources

Gale LegalForms  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Gale LegalForms offers officially approved forms actually used by law firms. Many of the forms and documents are available in Word and Adobe format so you just need to simply “fill in the blanks.”

NUWAV Legal Documents  Amherst Public Library card number needed
NUWAV Legal Documents is a service that provides access and help composing legal documents that fulfill the legal needs of the every day Citizen.

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland

Ohio Legal Services

Simple wills, Power of Attorney, and more

Probate forms for Lorain County

Domestic Relations forms for Lorain County

Domestic and juvenile forms for the State of Ohio

Ohio Supreme Court probate forms

Lifelong Learning

Hobbies & Crafts Source  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Find “how-to” instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast.

Home Improvement Source  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Home Improvement Source features full-text content from leading home improvement magazines, images not found anywhere else online and videos of popular home repair projects.

Profiles of Ohio
Profiles of Ohio provides data on all populated communities and counties in the state of Ohio for which the US Census provides individual statistics. 

Weiss Financial Ratings  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Gives you powerful new tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.

Magazines and Newspapers

MasterFILE Premier | (EBSCOhost)  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Full text for a wide variety of periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more. Also contains full text for reference books, biographies, and primary source documents, and an image collection photos, map, and flags – updated daily.

Newspaper Archive Amherst Public Library card number needed, the largest historical newspaper database online, contains tens of millions of newspaper pages from 1607 to present. Includes Elyria, Ohio Historical Newspapers from 1829-2014. Every newspaper in the archive is fully searchable by keyword and date, making it easy for you to quickly explore historical content.

Newspaper Source | (EBSCOhost)  Amherst Public Library card number needed
Full text for 20 national (U.S.) & international newspapers and selected full text for more than 230 regional (U.S.) newspapers, plus TV and radio news transcripts – updated daily.

Plain Dealer e-Edition In library use only
Full, electronic edition of the Plain Dealer. Access is only available from the library’s public computer terminals. Ask at the Information Desk to log on to view the e-Edition. Only three users may log in at one time.

The Chronicle-Telegram

The Lorain County Community Guide

The Morning Journal

Ohio Web Library

Ohio Web Library
Contains databases for geneology, magazines, newspapers, reference and research, books, art, literature, school and homework help, business, government, history, biography, science, employment resources, practice exams, and health.

Other Local Libraries

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