Amherst Historical Business Database

About the Amherst Historical Business Database

“I have attempted to research all Amherst businesses as far back as possible, using every possible source available. I have searched through city directories, phone books, ads appearing in newspapers and school year books and all the files at the Amherst Historical Society. I have entered all my information into a database by business name, type, address and dates, as accurately as possible. I realize there is much room for errors and omissions in a project like this, but I will make corrections as they are brought to my attention.”

– Fay Van Nuys Ott
November, 19 1994

During 2011, Amherst’s bicentennial year, the Amherst Public Library has tried to continue the job of updating and preserving the work began by Fay Van Nuys Ott and make her work accessible to everyone using the latest technology available. Fay completed the Amherst Historical Business Database in 1996.  We are continually going through and trying to update and maintain this database and welcome, like Fay would, any comments or corrections that are brought to our attention. Questions or comments can be sent to

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Business NameStreet AddressBusiness TypeYears of OperationProprietor
Kendeigh and Beesing 294 Tenney Avenue Mills 1895-1900 Kendeigh; Beesing
Ken's Barber Shop 1174 Milan Avenue Barber 1963-1974 Rosenbusch, Ken
Keller, J. Royal 157 Cleveland Avenue Doctor, Physician 1963-1965 Keller, J. Royal
Keller and Baus Dry Goods 101 Park Avenue Dry Goods, Clothing 1908-1936 Keller, George; Baus, J.
Kathy's Kanine Klipping 134 Cleveland Avenue Pets 1989-1991
Kassouff's Candy Kitchen 163 Park Avenue Candy, Ice Cream 1913-1922 Kassouff, Sam. J.
Kassouff's 125 Park Avenue Shoes, Boots 1914-1918 Kassouff,
Kappley's Repair Shop 147 Tenney Avenue Repair 1947-1963 Kappley, Charles
Kamody Pharmacy 101 Park Avenue Drug Store 1960-1973 Kamody,
K and L of Security Lodge, Clubs 1895-1916 Members
Julie Anns Cafe 163 Park Avenue Restaurant 1995-1996 Passanisi, Linda
Judys 134 Park Avenue Restaurant 1978-1979
Josiah Harris Log Cabin Beaver Court Saloon 1818-? Harris, Josiah
Josiah Harris Elementary South Lake Street School 1971-1996 Town
Josiah Harris Beaver Court Justice of Peace 1821-1824 Harris, Josiah
Joseph Romat's Grocery 133 Park Avenue Grocery 1947-1950 Romat, Joseph
Joseph DeVito 199 Park Avenue Photography, Art 1930-? Devito, Joseph
Joseph Barber and Son Livery 1874-? Barber, Joseph
Jonas Stratton's Cabinet shop Factory, Foundry 1819-? Stratton, Jonas
Johnson and Whitney Dry Goods, Clothing 1878-? Johnson; Whitney
Johnny K's 232 Park Avenue Saloon 1988-1996 Stanziano, Bob and Sherrill
John Vaughn 153 Park Avenue Barber 1893 Vaughn, John
John Ulrich 238 Church Street Cobbler 1895-1916 Ulrich, John
John Toffenton, Chair Factory Factory, Foundry 1878-? Toffenton, John
John Schmauck's Saloon 177 Park Avenue Saloon 1895-1900 Schmauck, John
John Ruth Coal and Supplies 258 Tenney Avenue Coal and Building Supply 1947-1996 Ruth, John and Dan
John Roemer Painter 1878-? Roemer, John
John Plato Coal and Spplies 258 Tenney Avenue Coal and Building Supply 1892-1924 Plato, John
John Michael 249 Park Avenue Justice of Peace 1940-1945 Michael, John
John Learsch and Company (Women) Clothing 1918-? Learsch, John
John L. Ludwig 221 Park Avenue Shoes, Boots 1910-1917 Ludwig, John L.
John Huff's Saloon 257 South Main Street Saloon Huff, John
John Heuffed's 193 Park Avenue Shoes, Boots 1880-1890 Heuffed, John
John Heuffed's 215 South Main Street Shoes, Boots 1874-1880 Heuffed, John
John Hermann's Saloon Hermann, John
John Hayman Mills 1878-? Hayman, John
John H. Bodmann's 232 Park Avenue Saloon 1890-1916 Bodmann, John H.
John Goodell's Blacksmith 1828-? Goodell, John
John Gerlock Mills 1874-1890 Gerlock, John
John C. Koepke Mills Koepke, John C.
John Brown Harness Maker 221 Church Street Harness Maker 1876-1914 Brown, John
John Baus 182 Park Avenue Shoes, Boots 1876-1910 Baus, John
John Baus South Main Street Shoes, Boots 1874-1876 Baus, John
Joe's Brew House 223 Church Street Saloon 2001-2002 Gambish, Joe
Joe Menz 174 Park Avenue Plumbing 1937-1939 Menz, Joseph
Joannes Fashion Shop 176 Park Avenue Clothing 1969-1980
Jim's TV Repair 165 Park Avenue Repair 1960-1961
Jim's Barbershop 296 Church Street Barber 1969-1973
Jim Abraham 163 Park Avenue Real Estate 1965-1992 Abraham, James
Jeweler 109 Park Avenue Jeweler 1901-1902
Janik, Frank 153 Park Avenue Attorney 1964-1996 Janik, Frank
Janik, Frank 199 Park Avenue Attorney 1963-1964 Janik, Frank
Jaeger Lodge IOOR Lodge, Clubs 1893-? Members
Jaeger and Heussner Park Avenue Dry Goods, Clothing 1874-1877 Jaeger; Heussner
Jacob Stahl South Main Street Hardware 1874-? Stahl, Jacob
Jacob Shupe's Distillery 2 mi N of Amherst Saloon 1814-? Shupe, Jacob
Jacob Shupe Mills 1814-? Shupe, Jacob
Jacob Hildebrand Park Avenue General, Grocery 1866-1880 Hildebrand, Jacob
Jacob Dock's Saloon 1914-1928 Dock, Jacob
Jacob Baus 182 Park Avenue Shoes, Boots 1910-1929 Baus, Jacob
Jackson's 177 Park Avenue Shoes, Boots 1950-1952 Jackson,
Jackson House 255 South Main Street Hotel 1892-1931 Jackson, Henry and James
Jack Brennan's Barbershop 275 South Main Street Barber 1923-1930 Brennan, Jack
J.J. Rice, Leek and Cook Iron 2 mi South West of Amherst Factory, Foundry 1842-1874 Rice; Leek; Cook
J.G. Ferris 164 Park Avenue Barber 1890-1902 Ferris, J. G.
J.E. Kendeigh, Cooper Church Street Factory, Foundry 1876-1878 Kendeigh, J. E.
J.B. Avery 201 Park Avenue Jeweler 1916-1936 Avery, J. B.
J. Wesbecher and Company 104 Park Avenue Hardware 1892-1900 Plato, J. H.; Wesbecher, J
J. W. Wageners Shoes, Boots 1914-1915 Wagener, J. W.
J. W. Gilbert Music 1878-? Gilbert, J. W.
J. W. Ferguson 164 Church Street Contractor, Builder 1917-1918 Ferguson, J. W.
J. W. Blovelt (in Bauss Shoes) 186 Park Avenue Cobbler 1914-1916 Blovelt, J. W.
J. Uthe and Clement South Main Street Drug Store 1874-1876 Uthe, J.; Clement,
J. Peter Mence, Stone Mason Cut Stone Quarry 1874-? Mence, J. Peter
J. Miller and Son Coal Milan Avenue Coal and Building Supply 1928-1940 Miller, Jacob
J. Jackson and Son 229 South Main Street Meat Market 1878-1892 Jackson, J.
J. Holzhauer 101 Park Avenue Dry Goods, Clothing 1884-1898 Holzhauer, J.
J. H. Frederick and Son 186 Park Avenue Hardware 1890-1933 Frederick, J. H.
J. H. Claus Park Avenue Blacksmith 1874-1886 Claus, J. H.
J. G. Ferris 193 Park Avenue Barber 1902-1912 Ferris, J. G.
J. F. Yarick, Insurance Insurance 1890-1892 Yarick, J. F.
J. F. Uthe 109 Park Avenue Drug Store 1877-1880 Uthe, J. F.
J. F. Uthe 269 Church Street Drug Store 1874-1877 Uthe, J. F.
J. E. Wagner 278 Church Street Real Estate 1961-1973 Wagner, J. E.
J. E. Plato and Sons 201 Church Street Dry Goods, Clothing 1913-1924 Plato, J. E.
J. C. Heidrick Bakery Bakery 1913-1914 Heidrick, J. C.
J. Brennans Bank Barbershop 220 Church Street Barber 1918-1923 Brennan, Jack
J. Barckley Grocery General, Grocery 1924-? Barckley, J.
J. B. Parker Clothing 103 Cleveland Avenue Clothing 1870-1878 Parker, J. B.
J. B. Parker Park Avenue Shoe, Boots 1870-1876 Parker, J. B.
J. B. Parker Insurance 1892-1900 Parker, J. B.
J. B. Avery 215 Church Street Jeweler 1936-1951 Avery, J. B.
J. A. Bodine 110 Church Street Barber 1878-1901 Bodine, J. A.
J and D Auto Repair 350 Tenney Avenue Auto Garage 1983-1996 Glowaski, John
Irish Chain Quilt Shop 209 South Main Street Specialty 1996-
Interurban Station 235 South Main Street Transportation 1913-1922
Independent Order of Good Templars Lodge, Clubs 1893-? Members
Idle Hour Recreation 220 Tenney Avenue Pool Room 1949-1963 Abraham, Thomas
Ideal Dairy 400 Tenney Avenue Dairy 1918-1928 Zimmerman, Charles
I.G. Ferris 164 Park Avenue Photography, Art 1880-1892 Ferris, I. G.
Hutton's Garage 519 Church Street Auto Garage 1936-1940 Hutton,
Hutton and Schroeder Service 252 Park Avenue Auto Garage 1941-1942 Hutton; Schroeder
Humphrey, M. 199 Park Avenue Doctor, Physician 1936-1937 Humphrey, M.
Hugo Truscello 280 Church Street Cobbler 1942-1969 Truscello, Hugo
Hugo Truscello 150 Park Avenue Cobbler 1939-1942 Truscello, Hugo
Hugo Truscello 132 Park Avenue Cobbler 1929-1939 Truscello, Hugo
Hugo Truscello 128 Park Avenue Cobbler 1924-1929 Truscello, Hugo
Hugh Gawn Ford 290 Park Avenue Auto Garage 1930-1935 Gawn, Hugh
Hugh Gawn Ford 283 Church Street Auto Garage 1923-1930 Gawn, Hugh
Hubbard, H. F. Amherst, OH Doctor, Physician 1830-1875 Hubbard, H. F.
Hoyensite Explosive Company North Ridge Road Factory, Foundry 1923-?
Horn Sisters 278 Church Street Candy, Ice Cream 1882-1892 Horn, Pansy and Lucy
Horn Mortuary 280 Church Street Funeral Home 1895-1901 Horn, Lorenz
Home Restaurant Church Street Restaurant 1928-1929
Holle Meats 125 Park Avenue Meat Market 1890-1892 Holle, Henry
Hohla's Gulf Station 194 Tenney Avenue Auto Garage 1945-1958 Hohla,
Hogrefe 327 Jackson Street Insurance 1929-? Hogrefe,
Hoffner's Flowers 182 Park Avenue Florist 1938-1940 Hoffner,
Hoffner, H. B. 199 Park Avenue Dentist 1924-1930 Hoffner, H. B.
Higgins Pharmacy 395 Park Avenue Drug Store 1971-2008 Higgins, Edward
Higgins Pharmacy 187 Park Avenue Drug Store 1969-1971 Higgins, Edward
Hickory Tree Grange Milan Avenue Lodge, Clubs Members
Hickory Tree Grange 280 Church Street Lodge, Clubs 1896- Members
Hickory Tree Grange KOTM Hall Lodge, Clubs ?? Members
Henry Williams Bookstore 1910-1914 Williams, Henry
Henry Sharp 125 Park Avenue Cobbler 1915-1922 Sharp, Henry
Henry Sharp 215 South Main Street Cobbler 1923-1938 Sharp, Henry
Henry Sharp 235 South Main Street Cobbler 1950-1952 Sharp, Henry
Henry Ruth Coal and Supplies 258 Tenney Avenue Coal and Building Supply 1924-1947 Ruth, Henry
Henry Hirsching General Store Dry Goods, Clothing 1866-1870 Hirsching, Henry
Henry H. Gordon 113 Milan Avenue Electric 1930-1933 Gordon, Henry H.
Henry Claus 110 Church Street Blacksmith 1878-1901 Claus, Henry
Henrie House 255 South Main Street Hotel 1874-1892 Lathrop; Walker
Henman, E. R. Unknown Attorney 1880-? Henman, E. R.
Henderson Barber 199 Park Avenue Barber 1896-1900 Henderson,
Hempel Funeral Home 373 Cleveland Avenue Funeral Home 1965-Present Hempel, William
Helen's Flowers 182 Park Avenue Florist 1946-1947 Czarney, Helen and Vince
Heberling, Martin 238 Church Street Attorney 1987-1996 Heberling, Martin
Heberling, Douglas 238 Church Street Attorney 1980-1989 Heberling, Douglas
Hearn's Service 475 Cleveland Avenue Auto Garage 1933-1935 Hearn,
Hazel, A. H. Dentist 1876-1878 Hazel, A. H.
Hastee Tastee Ice Cream 466 Cleveland Avenue Candy, Ice Cream 1961-Present Pietch, Greg
Harvey Redington 255 Park Avenue Justice of Peace 1824-1845 Redington, Harvey
Harry Williams 199 Park Avenue Photography, Art 1913-1914 Williams, Harry
Harry Mischka 129 Park Avenue Meat Market 1935-1945 Mischka, Harry
Harry Hahn's Standard Oil 220 Cleveland Avenue Auto Garage 1922-1939 Hahn, Harry
Harry Hahn's Standard Oil 220 Cleveland Avenue Auto Garage 1922-1939 Hahn, Harry
Harold's Barbershop 170 Park Avenue Barber 1959-1960
Harlan, William 110 Church Street Dentist 1957-1961 Harlan, William
Harlan, William 480 Park Avenue Dentist 1961-1964 Harlan, William