Hotspots are small portable devices about the size of a deck of cards that provide wireless Internet access, through a cellular signal, to your personal wireless enabled electronic device (a smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc.). The library’s hotspots use the Sprint 4G LTE Network. To see a network map visit
Hotspots can be borrowed for 3 weeks and will offer unlimited data usage during that time. Borrowers must be 18 or older. A borrower may not check out a hotspot on the same day they are issued a library card. Hotspots are subject to availability and may be placed on hold. Hotspots can not be renewed. There is no additional charge to borrow a Hotspot, but the replacement cost of lost or damaged items will be billed to the borrower’s library account. Overdue hotspots will be deactivated. The charge for overdue hotspots is $1.00 per day. Once a lost Hotspot has been replaced by the library, the replacement cost for the Hotspot will not be removed from a patron’s card if it is returned.
If you have questions regarding hotspot borrowing or use, please phone the library’s Reference Desk at (440)988-4230.